Diaper Shower?

A kind fellow teacher (who is also the parent of a student in my class, so I’m so glad she likes me) asked me today if she and my aides could throw me a “diaper shower”.  I had to ask what that is, although it’s pretty much just what it’s called–a shower at which you get diapers.  I feel conflicted.  I am so appreciative that they want to do this.  I love parties.  I love presents.  I know we will need tons of diapers.  I think I could emotionally handle it.  But…the people at this job already gave me a lot last year for Luke.  I never did thank you cards, since we lost him before I got to it and then I just couldn’t.  I have felt guilty, like they might think their money was wasted.  One of my first thoughts about having another boy was, “Oh good, people will know their gifts didn’t go to waste.”  It’s silly, I know.  Most people probably understand. They also gave us a ton of gift cards and a nice card that everyone signed when we lost him.
But I don’t feel like they should be asked to give me anything else.

They want to do it in 2 weeks, on a Thursday after school.  I expressed my concerns.  I asked if we might wait until the baby came and then do it after, so that people would know they weren’t “wasting their money”.  She said that doesn’t matter because it’s honoring a life no matter what.  I like that.  I agree.  I don’t personally feel Luke’s gifts were wasted at all as I treasure them.  They are his and I will enjoy sharing them with his brother.  She said she didn’t want to wait because they know I may not be back next year and there will be some different staff here next year, etc.  She said to just think of it as an opportunity to have cake.  She was going to do it as a surprise and someone told her she better ask me about it first.  I appreciate that.

I didn’t expect this.  What do you guys think?